Sunday, June 26, 2016

Old Friend, Drinking, and Things Like That.

Hello humans!

It’s a pretty damn time since I wrote again right?  yep, Its been so long indeed. I’m pretty sure my style of writing should be slightly changing by now, isn’t it? Anyway I feel glad to finally be able to be productive again.. here, in the cyber world :) (What an old pun?? why am I so old omg -_-)

SO... I’m 19 right now. YUP I’M THAT OLD. I’M ALMOST 20. And guess what am I doing with my life right now? I’ll be going to college this year!! Yep I’m super excited as to why I decided to be writing again . it’s been a really unproductive time of my life you know…  I’ll be 20 in the next 8 month, and I can’t really tell what I’ve been doing ( or producing ) this past years… I know it sounds pathetic, I know :(

BUT ANYWAY, here’s the recent issues that I’ve been dying to tell you guys…

And that is,

My old gang.

Okay not really a gang, but more of a close friends since junior high? They’re so close that it almost like a family. I repeat ALMOST… cause it certainly didn’t feel like that anymore hehe.

So here it is about my old gang, they’re surely have change. It is normal tho since we’re now (almost) adult. They are now working, drinking, having sex,  doing drugs(?), to put it simply, they’re an adult now. But the thing is.. does doing all of that makes you an adult? Or is it even important to be called an adult when what you’re doing is just basically the same old stupid things but now it is 10x more of the consequences than before?

I learned that to be an adult.. is to be mature, but also wise and open minded. It is not from what you wear, or what you drink/eat, or what you watch… its from what you choose! What you choose is what makes you an adult. Because, by choosing.. it means that you’re selecting the consequences that comes next… by choosing, you have to think about the pros and cons of it, what would brings you harm, and what would brings you any good. by choosing.. it means that you’re thinking…. That, you’re using your brain instead of just following the trend without knowing the impact that will happen to you.
 It is for me, what it called being an adult. 

I’m going to give a piece of my mind and my point of view of drinking. Because apparently we’re going to have a reunion and they’ve started to talk about this drinking stuffs. Well, they think they’re so cool drinking this drinking that, knowing this type of alcohol, blablablah.. honestly I didn’t know why its so cool tho (?) and no, I’m not being salty here, I’m just plain confuse..

 I mean like.. if there are people that look cool drinking, maybe because they are ALREADY cool from the very beginning, so that’s why when they’re drinking they could still look cool nonetheless. Now do you think you’re cool to begin with? ( aye sorry fam, gotta state the fact ), so if you’re just so so, and you drink… and you got tipsy.. and you act dumb, and most probably puke your soul out, is that cool to you?

I mean come on-_-, we (me&myfriendstho) live in a country of a tropical climates, people… Wakeup! Its not like we have winter here… we don’t need those things.

In the end… I’m not gonna judge them or anything. It is what you choose that makes you what you are. Your decision leads to the qonsequences that you as an “adult” have to accept. And by knowing that… well, could you give me a favour?? :) . Pls give me the benefits of drinking.. And I mean like not just one or two, but a list of benefit, cause I guarantee you that I could give the same or even more reason as to not to.

With love,


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